ACI Russia -
The Financial Markets Association
The leading global trade association representing the interests of the professional wholesale financial markets community


August 17, 2024
On August 17, ACI Russia traditionally held Dealer's FEST 2024 on the RIO-1 motor ship.

Gold Sponsor and General Partner: Moscow Exchange is Russia's largest auction organizer
Partner Bank: Alfa-Bank - "The best bank for business!"
Sponsor: Bank DERZHAVA - universal financial institution for medium and small businesses
Information and analytical partner: EMCR News - "All macro Telegram threads are at your fingertips!"
With the support of: JustGoThere is your reliable travel partner to New Zealand and Australia
With the support of: HUSKY - "Awaken the North in yourself!"

We were glad to see all of you on board!
May 27, 2024
On May 27th, 2004 in London ACI Russia was affiliated with the international association of financial market specialists ACI – The Financial Markets Association (Paris, France). And on May 27th, 2024 the Association celebrated its 20th anniversary at the Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow Hotel!

More than 160 guests – members and friends of ACI Russia – gathered at the Congress to wish us a happy birthday! The official part was opened by the speech of the President of the Association Evgeny Egorov and Vice-President Dmitry Piskulov. Evgeny and Dmitry talked about the activities of ACI Russia in two years. They summed up the interim results of their work and outlined goals for the further development of the professional financial community in Russia.

The speech of the first President of ACI Russia Igor Suzdaltsev caused nostalgia among the participants. It immersed them in pleasant memories of the first steps of the Association in Russia. It was also gratifying to see Valery Lyakh, a long-time friend of ACI Russia, on stage with a report "On key aspects of activity". The official part of the Congress was completed by the discussion of analysts "The use of national currencies in international settlements. Actual tasks of the development of internal and external the foreign exchange market of Russia" with the participation of Sofia Donets (Tinkoff Investments), Maria Cheremisina (NCC) and Dmitry Polevoy (Astra Asset Management), who joined online. The moderator was Anna Kozhukhar (RBC Investments).

During informal communication, the guests were greeted with a light buffet and a wonderful performance by the string quartet of charming girls "Gloria".

Sponsors and partners of the 20th ACI Russia Congress were:
MOEX (Gold Sponsor)
Metallinvestbank (Silver Sponsor)
SoftWell (Silver Sponsor)
Bank Derzhava (Sponsor)
RUSBONDS (information partner)
RuData (Information partner)
PRIME (information partner)

Also, this anniversary year has become an elective one, and from 8:00 to 20:00 Moscow time everything is current members of ACI Russia could vote for candidates for the positions of President, Vice-President and members of the Association's Council.

«ased on the results of voting to the governing bodies of ACI Russia have been elected:
Egorov Evgeny – President of the Association
Piskulov Dmitry – Vice-President of the Association
Borisov Vladimir – member of the Council of ACI Russia
Vychuzhanin Kirill - member of the Council of ACI Russia
Evdokimov Alexey - member of the ACI Russia Council
Zubkova Aliya - member of the Council of ACI Russia
Kapranova Veronika - member of the Council of ACI Russia
Kiryanov Alexander - member of the Council of ACI Russia
Kozinets Vladimir - member of the Council of ACI Russia
Loktionov Roman - member of the ACI Russia Council
Nazarov Mikhail - member of the Council of ACI Russia
Skabelin Andrey - member of the Council of ACI Russia
Smirnova Svetlana - member of the Council of ACI Russia
Sumin Andrey - member of the ACI Russia Council
Yarovoy Vladimir - member of the Council of ACI Russia

Amendments to the Association's Charter were adopted by a majority of votes: starting from 2026 the President and Vice-President of ACI Russia will be chosen not by the general Congress, but by the Association Council.

The voting protocol was certified by members of the election (counting) commission Baev Alexander and Markin Alexander.

ACI Russia & Friends New Year party 2024

December 18, 2023
On Monday evening, December 18, 2023, ACI Russia – The Financial Markets Association at Brasserie Lambic summed up the results of the outgoing year, bringing together members of the Association, guests, friends and their partners.

A warm and friendly atmosphere prevailed in Lambic, it smelled like a live Christmas tree, sparkling champagne in glasses, poems of their own composition sounded, the guests danced and sang along to the musicians of the restaurant EXPEDITION, who performed New Year's (and not only!) hits from different years.

On behalf of the Association, ACI Russia President Evgeny Egorov congratulated all those gathered on the New Year and awarded the laureates of the competition of ACHIEVEMENTS AND INNOVATIONS IN THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND MONEY MARKET 2023. Nikolay Panyukov (CentroCredit Bank) received a prize and a commemorative diploma for first place in the nomination "For the best forecast of the Bank of Russia's key rate decision in 2023". And Ilya Annensky (National Standard Bank) was noted for his most active participation in the forecasts of the Bank of Russia's decision on the key rate in 2023. Pavel Pikulev (SBER, AFA, EMCR) was deservedly recognized as the best moderator of ACI Russia in 2023, and Egor Susin (Gazprombank) has traditionally received the prize for the most active participation in the broadcasts of Pro Markets – ACI Russia. Alexander Kiryanov (Delta Trading Systems) took with him a memorable gift for his personal creative contribution to the development of ACI Russia. And two active members of the Association, Ilya Shapetko (Flatty Investment) and Svetlana Smirnova, were recognized as the best assistant and volunteer in 2023. Dmitry Borisov (Astra UA) could not personally attend the party, but we will definitely deliver him a memorable diploma – patron of the year!

The sponsors of ACI Russia & Friends New Year party 2024 were PRIME-NT and PREMEX companies.

ACI Russia thanks everyone who supported and was with us this year! And we look forward to meeting you in 2024:
• ACI Russia Congress – the 20th anniversary Congress of ACI Russia, the elections of the President and Council of the Association – May 27 (Monday), 2024. The location is being specified.
• Dealer's Fest 2024 – August 17 (Saturday) 2024, Loft Boat (Rio-1).
• The sixth Annual Conference on the development of electronic commerce in the Foreign exchange and Financial Markets - ACI Russia eFX Summit 2024 - October 31 (Thursday) 2024. The location is being specified.
• ACI Russia New Year's Eve Party – date and place are being specified.
• Online meetings on the most relevant and interesting topics – Pro Markets – ACI Russia – every Friday at 18:00 in Telegram and Clubhouse
ACI Russia eFX Summit 2023
November 13, 2023
On November 13, 2023, the fifth annual conference on the development of electronic commerce in the foreign exchange and financial markets - ACI Russia eFX Summit 2023 was held at the Solux Hotel in Moscow. To expand the geography of the event, the summit was held in a hybrid format, bringing together 210 participants offline and more than 70 in an online broadcast.

The mission of the summit is to unite all participants of the financial industry of Russia and other countries on one platform CIS for open discussion, discussion of current factors and trends affecting the development of instruments, infrastructure and technologies of trading in currency, derivatives and digital markets financial assets, establishing relationships and entering into partnerships.

The summit was attended by representatives of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia, employees of stock exchanges, Russian and foreign banks and brokerage firms, electronic trading platforms and technology vendors, major corporations, investment funds and venture companies. 10 panel discussions were held to discuss the ongoing changes in the currency markets, algorithmic trading, integration of trading platforms into the treasury systems of corporations, derivative financial instruments, models for determining the "fair" ruble exchange rate, prospects for the development of the crypto assets and digital ruble market, services for individuals, and even a competition (battle) of trading terminals of various vendors.

During the technological exhibition, the following companies presented their products: Moscow Exchange, SBER CIB, Alfa-Bank, Smart FX.

The Gold sponsor of the summit was the Moscow Exchange, the world's largest foreign exchange market for conversion operations with the Russian ruble.
Silver sponsors of the Summit: SBER CIB, Alfa-Bank, SoftWell.
Summit Partners: Smart FX, ARQA Technologies.
Information partners: EMCR, ACC, PRIME.

Dealer's Festival 2023

August 17, 2023
On August 17, 2023, the default of 1998 turned 25 years old! On this occasion, ACI Russia gathered more than 400 guests, friends and partners at the traditional meeting of the interbank and financial community – Dealer's Fest.

Those who "survived" then, remained in the profession and continues to "survive" now, can rightfully be proud of themselves! Among the guests and participants of the evening were employees and managers of banks, financial companies, stock exchanges, news agencies and electronic trading platforms, representatives of the NFA institutional professional association.

The mission of the association is to promote education, transfer experience to young people who are just coming to the market, maintaining the connection of times, traditions of business turnover. Over time, traditions can change dramatically – and this is exactly what has happened in recent years, years of covid and sanctions restrictions, but it is all the more important to remember the crises of the past in order to experience them in the present.

The program of the evening turned out to be very interesting and rich! Three musical groups of different styles and directions, a presentation of sculpture and their own smell events, contests and prizes from leading dealers, karaoke and disco with hits of 1998 and 2008. Thank you for being with us on this significant date!

The following companies were sponsors and partners of ACI Russia in the evening: Moscow Exchange, Alfa-Bank, NBK, SoftWell, NFA, Interfax, PRIME, ACC, EMCR
ACI Russia Congress 2023
May 18, 2023
More than 120 members, friends and guests of the Association gathered at the ACI Russia evening event at the Artcort Moscow Center Hotel.

During the Congress, ACI Russia President Evgeny Egorov and ACI Russia Vice-President Dmitry Piskulov made a report on the work of the Association's Board and management for the year, and also presented ACI Russia's plans for future periods. According to the results of the voting of the members of the Association present, the work of the Council was recognized as satisfactory and unanimously supported by the delegates of the Congress.

The next presentation was an interview with Evgeny Egorov, President of ACI Russia, and Valery Lyakh, Director of the Bank of Russia's Department for Countering Misconduct. Evgeny tried to accumulate all the issues of concern to market participants, and the interview turned out to be lively and very relevant. They also touched upon the use of AI in financial markets and, in particular, in the work of the Central Bank itself.

Roman Loktionov, OTC Derivatives Director at MOEX, spoke in detail about the instruments of the SPFI market for Chinese yuan. The participants of the Congress also discussed the use of artificial intelligence in the financial market, future trends and forecasts, the most incredible developments until 2050. Panel moderator Pavel Pikulev (CEO ) invited leading analysts: Egor Susin (Gazprombank), Viktor Tunev (@Truevalue), Mikhail Vasiliev (Sovcombank), Valery Weisberg (IK Region), Anton Tabakh (Expert RA) to participate in the foresight game and speculate on the future of the economy, and everything humanity as a whole!

At the end of the official part, all the guests were waiting for a buffet and irreplaceable communication on the sidelines, as well as gifts from the partner of ACI Russia Congress 2023 – the supplier of natural coffee LES COFFE. Sovcombank also pleased the guests of the Congress with original magazines with comics about financial markets.

ACI Russia thanks permanent friends, partners and sponsors for their support and assistance in organizing the 19th Congress:
• Moscow Stock Exchange – the leading Russian multifunctional platform for trading stocks, bonds, derivatives, currency, money market instruments and commodities
• PREMEX Voice Broker
• Social network for finance professionals
• Supplier of natural coffee – LES COFFE
• PRIME Economic Information Agency

ACI Russia & Friends New Year party 2023

December 20, 2022
At a festive New Year's party on Monday, December 19, 2022 at the Mandarin Combustible bar, the regional public organization of financial market professionals ACI Russia summed up the results of the year and announced the winner of the Bank of Russia's key rate forecast contest for 2022.

More than 130 guests – members and friends of ACI Russia were gathered by the Mandarin Bar. The traditional greeting of Father Frost, the string quartet of classical music "Gloria", the performance of the soloist of the group "Flight School" with original songs with guitar, professional company and pleasant communication – ACI Russia thanks everyone for their support in 2022!

The President of the Association Evgeny Egorov personally noted one of the leaders of the regular ACI Russia forecast contest on the decision on the key rate of the Bank of Russia – Nikolay Panyukov (Centrocredit Bank), as well as the most active participants in the weekly PRO MARKETS – ACI RUSSIA calls - Egor Susin (Gazprombank) and Viktor Tunev (Ingosstrakh Investments).

ACI Russia was founded in 2004, is affiliated with the international ACI FMA and currently unites more than 400 people who are professional participants in the financial market, acts as an independent expert platform of the currency and money market and organizer of events. The news feed, survey results and information about past and future events can be found on the website or in the social networks of the Association.
Dealer's Fest 2022
August 17, 2022
On August 17, 2022, ACI Russia gathered about 300 guests on the Loft Boat at the traditional holiday of the interbank and financial community – Dealer's Fest, dedicated to the Dealer's Day - memories of the default of the Russian Federation in 1998, which determined the development of the market for many years.

Those who "survived" then, remained in the profession and continues to "survive" now, can rightfully be proud of themselves! Among the guests and participants of the evening were employees and managers of banks, financial companies, stock exchanges, news agencies and electronic trading platforms, representatives of the NFA institutional professional association.

The mission of the association is to promote education, transfer experience to young people who are just coming to the market, maintaining the connection of times, traditions of business turnover. Over time, traditions can change dramatically – and this is exactly what has happened in recent years, years of covid and sanctions restrictions, but it is all the more important to remember the crises of the past in order to experience them in the present.

The musical motor ship with the guests of Dealer's Fest passed through the whole of Moscow – from the Taras Shevchenko Embankment to the Nagatinsky Zaton. The program of the evening included well-known presenters in the financial markets; a cover band Moskvichka, artists of the Moscow Concert with stock compositions: "Arioso of the Dealer", an aria from the opera "Prince of the Market", "Frontline Trade", "My grandmother salits bucks", "Took the interbank"; DJ with musical hits of August 1998; headliner evenings – group "Flight School"; karaoke and football for dealers; contests and awards.

The following companies were sponsors and partners of ACI Russia in the evening: MOEX, Alfa-Bank, NFBK, NFA, Go Wake, PRIME, Association of Corporate Treasurers, EMCR, Expedition

ACI Russia Congress 2022

May 17, 2022
The ACI Russia Congress 2022 was held in an online format in Zoom

Speakers at the Congress were: Sergey Romanchuk, President of ACI Russia, Head of Trading, Metallinvestbank; Dmitry Piskulov, Vice President of ACI Russia, Director, International Projects, MOEX; Pavel Pikulev, Chief Strategist for macro, FX & rates, Treasury, Sberbank; Viktor Tunev, Chief Analyst, Ingosstrakh Investments Management Company; Dmitry Polevoy, Director for investments, Loco-Invest. Evgeny Egorov, Head of Algorithmic Trading, Alfa-Bank, was elected the host of the Congress.

Sergey Romanchuk briefly spoke about the work carried out by the association over the past year, fulfilling its mission – uniting professional market participants based on commitment to common values: ethical professional code, improving the level of education and professionalism, open unifying communication. The work was organized along several lines: organizing events, working with the regulator through the The Moscow FX Joint Standing Committee of the SRO NFA, participation in the Global Foreign Exchange Committee. The peak of this work was to be the holding of the ACI FMA Global Congress in Moscow in the fall of 2022, but due to new external conditions, its holding in the Russian Federation was canceled.

Dmitry Piskulov spoke about the successful work with the Bank of Russia on changing the methodology for calculating the official ruble exchange rate and educational projects.

In the second panel, Vladimir Yarovoy shared how the MOEX is coping with current challenges and shared plans to launch new products and services and answered questions from Evgeny Egorov and the participants of the Congress.

The panel on macroeconomics, moderated by Konstantin Zyryanov, ACI Russia Board Member, Chairman of the Management Board, Tolyattikhimbank, assessed the current economic situation and made some forecasts for the future.

At the end of the Congress, they were given the opportunity to submit their candidacies to the ACI Russia Council for the next two years (its number was determined at 15 people), as well as to the posts of President and Vice President, where Evgeny Egorov (Alfa-Bank)/Dmitry Piskulov (MOEX) and Alexey Evdokimov (NTPro) /Mikhail Petushkov (Unicreditbank) were nominated. After the Congress, the procedure of electronic absentee voting on the nominated candidates was launched, the results of which will be summed up on May 25, 2022 by the election (counting) commission, which included Sergey Romanchuk (Metallinvestbank) and Andrey Skabelin (MOEX), who did not submit their candidacies to the governing bodies of the association for a new term.

ACI Russia New Year 2022 & Xmas Party
December 28, 2021
ACI Russia, the regional public organization of financial market professionals, took stock of the year and announced the winners of the contest of achievements and innovations in the Russian foreign exchange and money markets at the festive New Year's party on Monday, December 27, in the Mandarin Combustible bar.

The competition was open to all financial institutions that did something new in 2021 or achieved significant success, marked by prestigious market awards. Applications are submitted to the Council of ACI Russia, which decides, choosing the most significant ones.

Alfa-Bank was awarded for the world's only algorithmic emulation of the work of a person at the Refinitiv FX Trading Dealing terminal in the maker, taker and netting confirmation mode.

VTB - for the expansion of the electronic product line by adding forwards and swaps.

Moscow Exchange - for new solutions for clearing over-the-counter currency transactions through a central counterparty and for contributing to the development of financial literacy in the field of interest rate risk management.

Raiffeisenbank - for the development of a trading platform for FX, hedging transactions and structural deposits directly in the client-bank application and for entering the exchange market and leadership in the over-the-counter market of the Kazakh tenge (according to surveys of international brokers and banks).

Sberbank - for the first place in the nominations "Best FX Trading Solution" and "Best FX Solution for SME" according to Global Finance magazine.

Also awarded were Nikolay Panyukov (Centrocredit Bank), the leader of the regular ACI Russia forecast contest on the decision on the key rate of the Bank of Russia; Egor Susin (Gazprombank), the most active participant in the weekly PRO MARKETS – ACI RUSSIA calls and Vadim Meshcheryakov (VTB), who passed the ACI Online FX Global Code Exam with the highest score.

ACI Russia was founded in 2004, is affiliated with the international ACI-FMA and currently unites about 400 people who are professional participants in the financial market, acts as an independent expert platform of the FX and money market and organizer of events. The news feed, survey results and information about past and future events can be found on the our website.

ACI Russia eFX Summit 2021

October 25, 2021
The fourth international conference on electronic foreign exchange trading was held on October 25, 2021 at the Lotte Hotel in Moscow. For epidemiological safety reasons, the number of guests at the hotel was limited, and the event took place in a "hybrid" format: the hall and exhibition were visited by around 250 people, while 238 unique users were connected to the web video broadcasts. Some of the conference speakers connected to the audience online via video link.

During the technology exhibition, the following companies presented their products: Moscow Exchange, LMAX, SberCIB Alfa-Bank, Metallinvestbank, Raiffeisenbank, NT Progress, WEYTEC, Finery Markets, Refinitiv, VTB Bank (PAO), Bloomberg, Smart FX, Avelacom.

The conference programme included interviews with Yury Denisov, Chairman of the Management Board of Moscow Exchange, and David Mercer, CEO of LMAX Group.

Nine panel discussions were held to discuss market developments, algorithmic trading, results of 3 year review of the FX Global Code, the role of regulation in development of the Russian financial market, development of electronic trading platforms, derivatives, prospects of digital assets and macroeconomics.

Marcel Zimmermann, Director of the FX&MM Department of the Swiss National Bank, ACI FMA Chairman Stephane Malrait, XTX Markets Head of Dstribution Jeremy Smart, Department Heads of the Bank of Russia Valery Lyakh and Alexander Morozov, Moscow Exchange Managing Director Igor Marich, NFA President Vasily Zablotsky among others spoke in panel discussions.

The summit's mission is to become a platform bringing together sellside and buyside in the foreign exchange market, a forum for discussing the challenges facing the industry.

Representatives of banks and brokerage firms, investment funds and major corporations, stock exchange infrastructure, as well as the Bank of Russia attended the conference.

The platinum sponsors of the Summit were:
Moscow Exchange, the world's largest pool of rouble FX liquidity; LMAX Group, a global financial company and leading independent operator of a large number of institutional FX and cryptocurrency trading venues.

Gold sponsors: SberCIB, Metallinvestbank, Raiffeisenbank, Refinitiv, Alfa-Bank, Bloomberg, CME Group, Finery Markets

Silver Sponsors: VTB Bank (PAO), Sinara Investment Bank, Avelacom, NT Progress, WEYTEC, SmartFX, DMA Link

Bronze Sponsors: UBS, Edgewater Markets, Ak Bars Bank

Information partners: Prime, EMCR, NFA, ACT

ACI Russia Congress 2021 (17-й Съезд ACI Russia)
May 19, 2020

ACI Russia Congress for the second year was held in a hybrid format, combining live communication and presentations at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel Moscow with online speakers and broadcast in the Internet. About 100 people attended the live event, while 25 more participants, including foreign ones, watched the ACI Russia Congress broadcast. The Golden sponsor of the Congress was MOEX, Silver sponsor was Metallinvestbank, and online sponsor - Refinitiv.

The speakers at the Congress were: ACI FMA Board Chairman Bruno Langfritz, President of ACI Russia, Head of FX&MM, Metallinvestbank Sergey Romanchuk, Director of the Bank of Russia's Department for Countering Misconduct Valery Lyakh, Managing Director for Sales and Business Development, Board Member, Moscow Exchange Igor Marich, ACI Board member & ACI FXC Chair, Head of Market Structure & Innovation ING Bank Stephane Malrait, Member of GFXC, Head of FX & Commodities, FICC Markets, SEB Svante Hedin, and Anna Senina, Central Bank Relations Manager, Refinitiv.

Valery Lyakh spoke about the work that the Bank of Russia has done in signing the Global Foreign Exchange Market Code and the work of the Joint Council of the Foreign Exchange Market SRO NFA and ACI Russia and recommended to commercial banks for signing. The participants of the first panel discussed the latest consultation reports of the Global Foreign Exchange Market Committee, highlighting the most important points of the ongoing consultation related to the three-year revision of the Code.

In the second panel, Igor Marich shared current market trends at Moscow Exchange and outlined plans for the launch of new products and services. Anna Senina talked about market conditions and the transformation of Refinitiv products. Selim Agarzaev shared his thoughts on the development of the money and debt securities market.

The event ended with a friendly cocktail.

ACI Russia eFX Summit 2020

October 20, 2020
On October 20, 2020 the Lotte Hotel in Moscow hosted the third international conference on electronic trading on the FX market. Due to epidemiological security reasons, the number of guests in the hotel was limited and the event was held in a "hybrid" format: the hall and the exhibition were visited by 120 people, 206 unique users were connected to the video broadcast on the Internet. Some of the speakers of the conference were connected to the audience online through video communications.

The conference program included interviews with Igor Marich, Member of the Management Board, Managing Director of Sales and Business Development of the Moscow Exchange, and David Mercer, CEO of LMAX Group, as well as with Jeremy Smart, head of distribution of XTX Markets, the largest liquidity provider on the international FX market according to Euromoney's survey. The summit was attended by Guy Debelle, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Chairman of the Global FX Committee and Valery Lyakh, Head of the Department for Countering Misconduct of the Central Bank of Russia.

There were 10 panel discussions on the ongoing changes in the market, the role of central banks in market functioning, the construction of trading platforms, post-trade, algorithmic trading, integration of trading platforms into the treasury systems of corporations, derivative financial instruments, the use of modern methods of data science, models for determining the "fair" rate of the ruble and the prospects for the market of crypto assets and digital ruble.

ACI Russia Congress 2020 (16-й Съезд ACI Russia)
August 17, 2020

The ACI Rusia held its 16th Congress on Monday, August 17, simultaneously in two formats: offline and online.

The agenda of the Congress included a speech by Valery Lyakh, Director of the Bank of Russia’s Department for Countering Misconduct, with the monetary policy panel by Alexey Zabotkin, Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia and Aleх Isakov from VTB Capital and Anatoliy Shal from JP Morgan, presentation about functioning during pandemic and future plans of the Moscow Exchange represented by Managing Director, Board Membe Igor Marich, with a general assembly meeting with the approval of amendments to the Statues and competitive elections, as well as awarding the winners of CBR key rate poll!

Platinum Sponsor - Moscow Exchange
Silver Sponsors: Metallinvestbank, WEYTEC

Pandenomics as a space of opportunity: investment ideas - joint webinar by ACI Russia and Refinitiv

April 29, 2020
11:00 - 12:00. Session 1. Macroeconomics of the Pandemic: What will happen to oil prices and the ruble exchange rate? Shares and bonds? What investment ideas can work?

Moderator: Sergey Romanchuk, President of ACI Russia, Head of Metallinvestbank Dealing Center
Participants in the discussion: Alexander Kudrin, HSE Professor, Chief Strategist of Aton IC, Grigory Isayev, Director, Renaissance Capital Investment Company, Victor Tunev, managing director of MC "Aguidel", author of Truevaue Telegram channel

12:00 - 12:45 Session 2. The organisation of work with clients in a new reality: how to reorganise business? E-commerce, process automation and risk.

Moderator: Sergey Romanchuk, President of ACI Russia, Head of the Dealing Center at JSCB Metallinvestbank.
Participants in the discussion: Viktor Zhidkov, Chairman of the Management Board, Bank Vesta, Oleg Legostev, Liquidity Manager, Refinitiv.

ACI Russia summed up the year and named the winners of the FX&MM achievements and innovations contest
December 13, 2019
At the festive New Year's party on Thursday, December 13, 2018 at the Mandarin Combustible bar, the regional public organization of financial market professionals, ACI Russia, announced the results of the year and announced the winners of the contest of achievements and innovations in the Russian foreign exchange and money markets.
The competition was open to all financial institutions that did something new in 2018 or achieved significant success, marked by prestigious market awards. Applications are submitted to the Council of ACI Russia, which makes a decision, choosing the most significant ones.
The winners of the competition for 2019 were recognized by three companies. The Moscow Exchange - for the development of interest rate risk hedging culture and significant (2.5-fold) growth in the volume of concluded transactions in the SPFI sector (standardized derivatives). Sberbank was named the winner for the best investment management services and the best online treasury services by Global Finance magazine, and Alfa-Bank was awarded for the most complete set of solutions for electronic trading on the Russian currency market.
Also, leaders of the ACI Russia regular forecasts competition were announced in a decision on the Bank of Russia key rate. They were two people who guessed all the decisions of the Central Bank during 2019: Nikolay Panyukov and Deputy Head of the Treasury of MP Bank Azat Amirov, who also guessed all the Central Bank decisions in 2019!
ACI Russia currently has about 500 members, who are professional participants in the financial market, acting as an independent expert platform for the foreign exchange and money market and organizing events that in 2018 more than a thousand people visited.

ACI Russia eFX Summit 2019, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Moscow

October 16, 2019
The forum included a technology exhibition, during which products were presented by Bloomberg, CME/EBS, FX Aggregator, IPC, LMAX Exchange, Trading View, Alfa-Bank, Metallinvestbank, Moscow Exchange, PRIME, Raiffeisenbank, Sberbank, as well as 14 panel discussions on market changes, regulation, technologies, trading rules and professional ethics. The participants were particularly interested in the detailed discussion of algorithmic trading, optimal ways of executing transactions and the most efficient arrangement of trading floors, which would enable them to balance the interests of various market participants to the maximum extent possible. For the first time, a session on cryptocurrencies was held, where participants discussed the prospects of development and regulation in this area.
Dealer's Day 2019 - Cafe Mechta
August 16, 2019
The event gathered together about 300 ACI Russia members for the traditional summer professional holiday, sponsored by Moscow Exchange and Refinitiv. This was the first associations's event after Russia joined The Global FX Committee and ACI Russia president Sergey Romanchuk said some words about that milestone and the future work. But the agenda at this evening was more entertainment and leasure than business. The guests enjoied by misuc, dance, karaoke, fun casino, fine food and drinks.

ACI Russia GA 2019, St. Regis Nikolskaya Hotel /Mandarin Combustible Bar, Moscow

May 14, 2019
On May 14, 2019, the St. Regis Nikolskaya Hotel hosted the ACI Russia Congress, which was attended by about 200 people. The report and election General Meeting of ACI Russia was held, the Deputy Director of the Department for Combating Unfair Practices of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Roman Mukhlynov, spoke about the main innovations in legislation on countering the misuse of insider information and market manipulation and answered questions from the audience, and a panel discussion "Current problems of the development of the foreign exchange market: the latest trends and modern technologies" was held.

The panel discussion was attended by Viktor Dragoev (EBS/CME Group), Igor Marich (Moscow Exchange), and Anton Kenyakin (Raiffeisenbank). The participants discussed the features of different ways of executing transactions in the foreign exchange market: on the exchange and interbank market, with placing orders in the central order book, execution indicating the full amount of interest in one transaction; ways of developing matching platforms - with increased speed or vice versa - with the introduction of delays in placing new orders; new exchange and OTC products and services.

During the official part, interaction with the audience took place through a special mobile interactive platform, where electronic voting was also conducted in the elections to the governing bodies (with personal identification for ACI Russia members). 5 candidates were nominated for the three proposed seats, but the 3rd place was divided between two candidates - they received an equal number of votes, and therefore 4 new members appeared in the Council!
For the next year (2019-2020), in addition to the current members, the following members were elected to the ACI Russia Board: Kirill Vychuzhanin (Alfa-Bank), Evgeny Glushan (InfraONE), Aliya Zubkova (Otkritie), Anna Senina (Refinitiv).

The evening ended with a reception at the Mandarin Combustible bar.

The Congress was sponsored by the following companies: EBS/CME Group, Moscow Exchange and Raiffeisenbank.
ACI Russia New Year & Xmas Party 2018-2019
December 14, 2018
At the festive New Year's party on Thursday, December 13, 2018 at the Mandarin Combustible bar, the regional public organization of financial market professionals, ACI Russia, announced the results of the year and announced the winners of the contest of achievements and innovations in the Russian foreign exchange and money markets.

The competition was open to all financial institutions that did something new in 2018 or achieved significant success, marked by prestigious market awards. Applications are submitted to the Council of ACI Russia, which makes a decision, choosing the most significant ones.

The winners of the competition for 2018 were recognized by three companies for four achievements. The Moscow Exchange was marked twice: the first among the Russian market participants to sign a statement of commitment to the FX Global Code and a significant (8 times) increase in the volume of transactions in the SPFI sector (standardized derivative financial instruments). Sberbank became the winner for the best technology platform in the foreign exchange market for corporate clients according to Global Finance magazine in the framework of awards by international providers, and Alfa-Bank was noted for first place in terms of the volume of operations among all banks in the foreign exchange market in the CEEMEA macro-region (Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa) according to a survey of the Euromoney magazine.

Also, leaders of the ACI Russia regular forecasts competition were announced in a decision on the Bank of Russia key rate. The absolute winner was Azat Amirov, Deputy Head of the Treasury of MP Bank, who guessed right all decisions of the Central Bank in 2018.

ACI Russia currently unites 419 members to the date who are professional participants in the financial market, acting as an independent expert platform for the foreign exchange and money market and organizing events that in 2018 more than a thousand people visited.

ACI Russia eFX Summit 2018

November 20, 2018
On November 20, 2018, the first international summit on electronic commerce in the foreign exchange market was held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Moscow, in which more than 300 people took part.

A technological exhibition was conducted as part of the forum, during which IPC, LMAX Exchange, NT Progress, Refinitiv, Alfa-Bank, Metallinvestbank, Moscow Exchange, Raiffeisenbank, Sberbank presented their products, and seven-panel discussions devoted to discussing the changes taking place on the market, regulation, modern technology, trading rules and professional ethics. Of particular interest to the participants was a detailed discussion of the best ways to execute transactions and the most efficient arrangement of the matching engine of the trading platforms, which would allow for the maximum balance between the interests of various market participants.

The Summit's mission is to become a platform that brings sell side and consumers of services in the foreign exchange market together, a platform for discussing the challenges which the industry faces.

In total, employees of 43 banks and 12 brokerage firms, 26 investment funds and 13 large corporations representing the oil and gas industry, metallurgy, retail distribution networks, telecommunications and other segments of the economy, as well as representatives of the professional press, academic community and Bank of Russia took part in the Summit.

The event is an essential step in the development of international relations and the integration of Russia into the global financial market: several dozens of foreign guests attended the Summit.

The gold sponsors of the Summit were the companies:
EBS, LMAX Exchange, NT Progress, Alfa-Bank, Metallinvestbank, Moscow Exchange, Raiffeisenbank, Sberbank

Silver Sponsors: BCS Global Markets, IPC, Refinitiv

Bronze Sponsors: Integral, Lucera
ACI Russia celebrated Dealer's Day on the date of 20th anniversary of the Russian default
August 16, 2018
ACI Russia gathered about 400 guests at the Kalina Bar on the traditional holiday of the interbank and financial community - the Dealer's Day, dated for the "anniversary" of the default of the Russian Federation in 1998 - an event that determined the development of the market for many years. Those who "survived" and then stayed in the profession, can rightly be proud of themselves! Among the guests and participants of the evening were employees and heads of banks, financial companies, the Bank of Russia, stock exchanges, news agencies and electronic trading platforms, a number of large corporations, heads of institutional professional associations of the NFA and NAUFOR.

To the anniversary of the Russian default, ACI Russia jointly with Thomson Reuters launched the documentary-historical site, which contains video memories of famous market participants of those years, restored the original news line for August 1998 and used photographs of the agency REUTERS. The content on the site is organized in the form of a blog in which visitors to the site can also independently post their memories. The filling of the site with new interviews and news of those days will continue until the beginning of September.

The evening program included video installations from Thomson Reuters, which "returned" guests in 1998; memories of the crisis, stand-up show with Danila Babich – TV presenter of financial programs from RBC TV - during which our guests shared their memories of 1998; the performance of the bank rock band AFive. Also, each guest received as a gift a real copy of the newspaper Kommersant for August 18, 1998!

Sponsors and partners of ACI Russia in the evening were companies
INTL FCStone, Thomson Reuters, NEX EBS, BCS Global Markets, Moscow Stock Exchange.

Roundtable: "Minimization of risks in the foreign exchange market: settlement services of the MOEX Group"

June 18, 2018
1. The structure of the foreign exchange market: the Exchange (all modes) vs OTC market? Dmitry Piskulov (Moscow Exchange)
2. Minimizing the participants' credit and settlement risk: the block trades with the central clearing via NCC plus PVP? Svetlana Gryanchenko (NSD), Andrey Skabelin (Moscow Exchange)
3. "Single account" for clearing pools of NSDs and NCCs - what will this give the market? Svetlana Timasheva (NSD)

In the program: interesting people, discussions, your valuable thoughts, a buffet table.
Master class "How to become a good investment analyst"? by Alexandr Kudrin
June 14, 2018
Financial analyst Alexander Kudrin, former head of the analytical department of Troika Dialog and Sberbank CIB will hold a master class "How to become a good investment analyst"?

Students of specialized universities who want to choose the profession of an analyst are invited, as well as employees of banks and financial companies. During the training seminar, Alexander will share his experience in organizing the work of one of the leading analytical departments in the largest Russian bank. Participation is free of charge, but the organizer reserves the right to refuse registration. For the passage it is necessary to have an identity card with you.

ACI Russia Congress 2018

May 18, 2018
The ACI Russia Congress took place on the May 17, 2018 in the St.Regis Nikolskaya hotel which was attended by about 200 people. The ACI Russia General Meeting was held within the framework of the event. The Director of the Department for Countering Malpractice of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Valery Lyakh, made a speech. There were two panel discussions: "Will FX Global Code take a root in Russia?" and "Actual problems of FX market development: recent trends and modern technologies".

For the next two years (2018-2020), ACI Russia President Sergey Romanchuk (Metallinvestbank) and ACI Russia Vice President Dmitry Piskulov (Moscow Stock Exchange), as well as ACI Russia Board members were elected to the governing bodies: Evgeny Alparov (Metallinvestbank), Vladimir Borisov (Absolutbank), Alexey Evdokimov (Alfa Bank), Evgeny Egorov (Bank Vesta), Victor Zhidkov (Bank Vesta), Konstantin Zyryanov (ACI Russia), Veronica Kapranova (Central Bank of the Russian Federation), Alexander Kiryanov (DTS), Vladimir Kozinets (Association of Corporate Treasurers), Alexander Markin (Globexbank), Dmitry Samusev (VTB), Andrey Skabelin (Moscow Stock Exchange), Andrey Sumin (Rosbank), Sergey Schepilov (Raiffeisenbank), Vladimir Yarovoy (Sberbank).

Valery Lyakh (Bank of Russia), Dmitry Hailo (Sberbank), Darryl Hooker (NEX EBS), Grigory Ivanov (NEX EBS), Igor Marich (Moscow Stock Exchange), Evgeny Rasskazov (Thomson Reuters) participated in the panel discussion

The evening ended with a reception in the bar Mandarin Combustible.