On May 27, the Association will hold elections to the governing bodies of ACI Russia. And we are starting to accept applications from candidates!
If you want and are ready to join the Board of ACI Russia, become President or Vice-President of the Association, then send your details by emailacirussia@gmail.com or by phone +7 (926) 143-59-23 (WhatsApp/Telegram). You can also apply through our website
We remind you that ONLY current members of the Association can nominate their candidacies for the positions of members of the Council, President and Vice President of ACI Russia. The admission and exclusion of candidates to/from ACI Russia is carried out by the current Council of the Association. We also propose you to see with a
list of recommendations and opportunities for candidates
According to the results of the voting, no more than 13 candidates will be elected to the ACI Russia Council, as well as the elected President and Vice President will automatically join the Council. Applications will be accepted exactly one week before the ACI Russia Congress – on May 20, 2024 at 20:00 Moscow time
We are glad to announce that we are opening registration for the 20th anniversary Congress of ACI Russia! We are waiting for you on May 27 at 18:00 at the Ararat Park Hyatt Hotel (Moscow, Neglinnaya str. 4, 2 floor, Sargsyan Hall).
The Congress will be held only in offline format (personal presence)! Recordings of official performances will be available later on our YouTube channel.
Please send all your suggestions on the business and not-so-business program of the Congress by e-mail acirussia@gmail.com or by phone +7 (926) 143-59-23 (WhatsApp/Telegram). We are glad to see your initiatives, memories, historical information on the activities of our Association in Russia, photo and video content, documents, speeches!